Wow, my biggest flash project not even half done yet.
Im make the pilot or first episode of Project Super Nova and you can see the intro or basically a preview that just shows a bunch of clips up above this article. Anyways, yeah, i have a problem. I cant seem to get the intro in the first episode, so i guess it will be "introless".
So dont expect an intro for the pilot because, i just told you.
Now give me pie.
Anyways other than that i think its like 3 mins when the runtime for each webisode is supposed to be 5 mins.
heres some stats...
Average Running Time- 5min minnimum.
Number of seasons- 5
Episodes per season- 10
cancleing chance (why?) 60% (please dont!)
Why am i making these? For my friends. They like the stuff k'
why does it take long? Because i use MX 2004 and im lik 12. So yeah, im not so good, but i like getting feedback, i woll allow anything above a 3 in comments, well you choose, just tell me what i need to improve on but 40% is that i might be capable of improving cause im really impatient lol. Not something to be proud about.
Its rare my inspiration comes from my friends, kinda weird it comes from you. i dont know why Civil War: Down To Earth wasnt number one. It was good, kinda the asme act as what im doing.
Chya' theres an ispirer right there.
Okay i have kinda lost track about what im talking about, so yeah... Oh! I almost forgot im making a short christmas flash about snow, since i live in Ohio we get snow kinda off and on, and this is kinda my snow dance.
So "let it snow, let it snow, let it snow.... Wa-cha!"